There is now irrefutable scientific evidence that far from global warming the earth has now entered a period of global cooling which will last at least for the next two decades.
Pouring cold water on global warming - Environment, News -
It's been a while since I paid you a visit, so I figured I'd come back. Wouldn't want you to feel abandoned. Check out the Mad Sociologist Blog when you get the chance, you might have some interesting insights. Anyway, I wasn't planning on responding to the Global Warming debate. In my mind I think it's too polarized with both sides convinced of their arguments. This article was interesting, however. The 27 year cooling cycles are no surprise, but does not disprove global warming. The author is a physicist at the graduate level, so should know better than to make such a claim. Any long term, longitudinal data is going to show variation. That's why we calculate long term trends. The short term variation does not disprove the long term trends. Global Warming is a reality. In the 1970's, it was pretty well universally believed that the world was cooling, entering into a new ice age, even. This was the scientific consensus. That is no longer the case. Your article cites NASA. Well, someone better tell NASA that they've disproved global warming so they can free up some space on their websites from all of this outdated data going back to January that shows the opposite.
Check out all of the data sources at the bottom.
I figured you were out there somewhere :)
That's what I love about global warming "proponents". They always have the fact that the theory (yes, theory) of global warming can not ever be disproven by the people of today. It was specifically designed so that no empirical evidence that arose would disprove the theory - it could only be the exception that proves the rule.
Unfortunately, neither one of us may live long enough to see the truth eventually be proven.
Here's something for you to chew on: Let's play and say that global warming is happening (no, I'm not changing my mind), tell me some of the benefits of such a shift in global temperature. Next, tell me some of the benefits of global cooling. Then explain to me why the temperature we were at 40 years was perfect.
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