Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Quick!!! Someone help me out here!!!
I ask each and every person that visits this site today to take one minute and post something - anything - that Barack Obama has done in his life that would count as "experience".
Ok, maybe I'm being too about something he's done that qualifies him to be Commander in Chief?
Still stuck?? about something he's done to show he would know how to lead this country's economy???
Come on, work with me here, people!!!
How about naming one piece of legislation he's introduced and gotten passed to help the American people??
Maybe a time when he showed his ability to "reach across the aisle" to get something done??
No? ok, let's see...
He was President of the Harvard Law Review for two semesters. Maybe there's something he wrote that would give us a clue as to the great leader Mr. Obama would be?
What? Really? Nothing but one paper that argues that unborn children have no rights. I understand why everyone is so excited.
People, I'm going to say this as clearly as I can: Never has this country had a major party candidate for President that was less qualified for the job than Barack Obama. It has NOTHING to do with race (although once he loses, that is all you will hear). It has everything to do with poor judgement, lack of experience too much confidence.
OK, now that I've got that out of my system - feel free to post and prove me wrong.
ABC Reporter Arrested in Denver Taking Pictures of Senators, Big Donors
from The Blotter from Brian Ross at ABC News By BRIAN ROSS
DENVER--Police in Denver arrested an ABC News producer today as he and a camera crew were attempting to take pictures on a public sidewalk of Democratic Senators and VIP donors leaving a private meeting at the Brown Palace Hotel. - more -
Click here to watch video of the arrest.
I wonder why the Senators didn't want their picture taken with VIP donors. It's almost like they feel they were doing something wrong...
Michelle Obama's Sad Transformation
from the Washington Post by Richard Cohen
The transformation of Michelle Obama from a bracingly proud contemporary woman -- mother, wife, career woman -- into a prime time Betty Crocker was sad to see. more
Richard Cohen is far from one of my favorite columnists. In fact, he and I have exchanged a few e-mails disagreeing vehemently (although in a civil tone :) ) on topics in the past. However, he touches on something here that makes sense (even if he didn't mean to).
Democrats spend a lot of time trying to convince people that they are something they are not in order to win elections. They know that their ideas and policies won't hold up to scrutiny so they need to fool people into voting for them.
Think about what Michelle Obama talked about on Monday night: personal responsibility, hard work paying off, your word is your bond, etc. Do those sounds like the values of a liberal community activist or would it be more like: government handouts, tax the rich, racial preferences, etc.
I think this helps explain why Hollywood celebrities and Democratic politicians like each other so much...
They both make a better living by being really good at pretending to be someone else.
Joe Biden talks about the "surge" on Meet the Press
Please watch the whole thing. This is the guy that Obama's people think gives him the foreign policy experience necessary to form an effective adminstration.
If this guy's short-sighted view of how to conduct a war passes for foreign policy experience - I'll pass on his foreign policy experience.
American Thinker: A Brief History of Bush's Time
from the American Thinker web site By Randall Hoven
...Despite being handed one of the worst situations in history from President Clinton, and being fought tooth and nail by his opponents in government and the media, literally from the day of his election, President George W. Bush persevered to restore prosperity at home and to make the US and the world more free and secure...more
This piece is an awesome roundup of the reasons why 'historians' should be left to discuss things that happened long ago instead of trying to determine what history will be...