Members of the lefty blogosphere haven't stopped perpetuating the rumor Sarah Palin "faked" her last pregnancy and are now humiliating her daughter Bristol on the blatantly incorrect suspicion she is the real mother of baby Trig.
"Sarah Palin is NOT the Mother" is the title of this DailyKos blog that accuses Bristol, a completely fit-looking adolescent teen, of having a "baby bump" in a photo they allege was taken March 9th of this year.
"Sarah, I'm calling you a liar" wrote blogger ArcXIX. "And not even a good one. Trig Paxson Van Palin is not your son. He is your grandson. The sooner you come forward with this revelation to the public, the better. " Photos of Bristol with detailed commentary about her abdomen are contained in the post.
Not only is the DailyKos disgustingly inspecting Bristol's midriff with all the fervor of LA paparazzi examining J-Lo's or Jennifer Aniston's washboard stomachs for evidence of a "bump," the DailyKos is wrong on when the photo was taken. It was taken, and published, by the Anchorage Daily News in 2006. Baby Trig, a child with Down's Syndrome, was born on April 18, 2008. That's a long time for a teen girl to be carrying a "bump" which looks nothing more than the curve of a tight sweater.
Folks - I can't even begin to tell you how angry this story made me. But after thinking about it a bit and calming down - it hit me - this is all they've got. Kooks like the bloggers at the DailyKos and liberal idiots like Alan Colmes have resorted to this type of crap to raise doubts about Sarah Palin. This tells me only one thing. They are SCARED. This race is OVER and they know it.
After years and years of the Democrats supposedly pushing the causes of women - what they have meant all along and are showing the whole world now - is that a woman can be anything she wants and can do anything as well as man...UNLESS... she's a moral, conservative, hard working, pro-American (gasp) Republican!!
The Democrats are showing themselves to be the racist, sexist, bigots that we conservatives have known them to be for years.
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