Earlier this week, I wrote about the dirty tricks campaign against journalist Amir Taheri following his revelation that, in a private meeting in Iraq last July with Iraqi leaders, Barack Obama tried to persuade them to delay the agreement being hammered out with the US government on a draw-down of the American military presence. According to this account, which quoted Iraq’s foreign minister Hoshya Zebari (pictured), Obama had thus privately sought to undermine an American government foreign policy initiative – an explosive revelation. Taheri subsequently dismissed as tendentious Camp Obama’s response which he said deliberately confused two separate agreements under discussion; and he also revealed that, following publication of his story in the New York Post, he had been subjected to death threats, menacing calls about his tax status and passport, and a cyber-attack which disabled two of his email accounts.
Then Camp Obama tried another tactic. It told Jake Tapper of ABC News that Obama’s July meeting in Iraq
was also attended by Bush administration officials, such as U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Ryan Crocker and the Baghdad embassy’s legislative affairs advisor Rich Haughton, as well as a Republican senator, Chuck Hagel of Nebraska.
Those who attended this meeting said Taheri’s story was absolutely untrue and that
Obama stressed to al Maliki that he would not interfere with President Bush's negotiations concerning the U.S. troop presence in Iraq, and that he supports the Bush administration's position on the need to negotiate, as soon as possible, the Status of Forces Agreement, which deals with, among other matters, U.S. troops having immunity from local prosecution.
And so, Tapper thundered:
What actually demands an explanation is why the McCain campaign was so willing to give credence to such a questionable story with such tremendous international implications without first talking to Republicans present at Obama’s meeting with al-Maliki, who back Obama’s version of the meeting and completely dismiss the Post column as untrue.
Actually, it is Tapper and Camp Obama from whom explanation should be demanded. Sharp-eyed readers will already have spotted the flaw in their response. Taheri’s story referred to a ‘private’ meeting. Tapper’s story – and Camp Obama’s response quoting all those people who were reportedly also present – refers to an entirely different meeting.
Taheri wrote his report having spoken to a number of people in Iraq following Obama’s July visit. He has told me that Obama made these comments at a meeting in Baghdad with Foreign Minister Zebari before the meeting with al Maliki and the cast of thousands referred to in Tapper’s article. Dismayed by what he knew Obama had said to Zebari, Maliki actually tried to pre-empt Obama from saying the same thing to him – which would have put him in a difficult position by undermining his negotiations with the US government -- by getting his press spokesman to describe the forthcoming meeting with the US senators, in which Obama was pointedly not singled out, as a courtesy call where no substantive political matters would be discussed. In other words, alert to the political damage Obama might do to the negotiations with the US, Maliki tried to shut him up.
What is really extraordinary about this whole affair is that, in any event, Obama had said the same thing to Zebari the previous month on the Foreign Minister’s trip to the US. This had even been reported in the US media. On 16 June, the New York Times reported, after Obama’s conversation with Zebari in the US:
While the Bush administration would like to see an agreement reached before the summer political conventions, Mr. Obama said today he opposed such a timetable. ‘My concern is that the Bush administration, in a weakened state politically, ends up trying to rush an agreement that in some way might be binding on the next administration, whether it's my administration or Senator McCain's administration,’ Mr. Obama said.
On July 3, the New York Times reported these remarks by Zebari at a press conference in Baghdad:
Mr. Zebari said that on his recent trip to the United States, in addition to President Bush, he met with the presumptive presidential nominees, Senator John McCain, the Arizona Republican, and Senator Barack Obama, the Illinois Democrat. He said that Mr. Obama asked him: ‘Why is the Iraqi government in a rush, in a hurry? This administration has only a few months in office.’ Mr. Zebari said he told Obama that even a Democratic administration would be better off having something concrete in front of them to take a hard look at.
Yet even while it was reporting what Obama had said, the US media had not seen fit to question the fact that Obama was trying to undermine US negotiations with Iraq. The implications went totally unremarked – until Taheri, who was previously unaware of these NYT reports, obtained his scoop from Baghdad.
In his latest put-down (not yet published) of the mounting attacks on the integrity of his reporting, Taheri sums up the nub of this whole affair:
1. The Bush administration is negotiating an ensemble of agreements regarding the status of US troops, the timetable for their withdrawal, and the future strategic cooperation between the two nations.
2. Senator Obama opposes these negotiations and urges an alternative set of talks in which the Congress is involved. (That would be a novel way of doing business in a system based on separation of powers.) He then tells the Iraqi Foreign Minister in private that his government had better postpone the agreements until there is a new administration in Washington.
3. The Iraqis are bewildered. They wonder whether there are two governments in the US at the same time. They also wonder what is the use of reaching an agreement that the next man in the White House could scrap in a few months' time. The negotiating process is slowed down and the prospect of an agreement, and thus a timetable for the withdrawal of US troops, postponed for at least another year.
4. Although we are all fond of television-style courtroom dramas, the issue here is not who said what to whom and where and when. The issue is that Obama intervened in a process of negotiations between his government and a foreign power. He admits it himself as do all media accounts of the episode, although Senator Hagel, more royalist that the king, does not. My article was not a news story. It was an op-ed. The opinion I wanted to express was simple: no one would trust the United States if the leader of its opposition rejected agreements negotiated by its government in advance and without knowing what they looked like. The issue is that Obama has done, and admits that he has done, something that he should not have done: trying to second-guess an incumbent president.
The fact that the mainstream media is silent about this, while mud is thrown instead at Taheri, indicates once again the frightening hold gained by the quasi-religious cult of Obamania over our public discourse.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Dirty politics from Camp Obama
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And the McCain campaign hasn't participated in any dirty tricks? The truth that you quest for should be objective. Again I suggest http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/ as a great site for non-partisan analysis of the candidates.
That's why I love Obama apologists. Whenever something comes up they can't refute, it's "well, look at what the other guy did".
The democrats favorite defense when caught red-handed is "where did you get that?!".
If Obama would just come clean and answer questions with a straight answer (and, even more novel, the truth), then people wouldn't be able to use it against him.
I'm no Obama apologist. I've not apologized for any of his actions. I'm not even planning on voting for him. I just have a problem with a Quest for the Truth that only presents one side with no disclaimers.
Perhaps you could take a gander to your left the next time you are on the site and you might notice this statement that has been there since day one:
Why this blog?
I've created this blog to give people easier access to content that I believe will help them make better-informed decisions.
Make no mistake - I don't claim to be unbiased and I have strong views on many subjects. I simply believe that more information is always better and I don't believe that the mainstream sources of information are doing their jobs and providing all sides of the issues.
You will notice that, whenever possible, I simply allow people to speak for themselves. There's rarely a need to convince someone else of an opinion when you've got YouTube and trancripts of people's own words to use.
Very little of the information you will find here is created by me and I utilize many sources including other websites to gather the content. I will do my best to properly attribute all sources. If you spot something that you believe is improperly posted or not attributed correctly, please do let me know.
I read the comment to the left and it left me confused. You say you want people to have more information, but you are selective about the information that you are giving...which actually restricts information. Also, you criticize the mainstream media (which I've been known to do myself) yet many of your sources are from the mainstream media...which contradicts your claim that you are filling in where the mainstream media is lacking.
I think your format for a blog is great. I like the fact that you just post the stories and let the reader express their own thoughts. I should learn such restraint. But the premise is dishonest. What you have is a pro-McCain, pro-Republican blog. There's nothing wrong with that, but it's no more TRUE than a pro-Obama, pro-Democrat blog.
You claim you hate liars and hypocrites, but there have been plenty of moments in which McCain/Palin and many other Republicans have lied and been hypocritical. This is not to condone such behavior from Democrats and Obama/Biden. I know they lie and are hypocritical...which is why I don't support them. But if lying and hypocrisy is something you abhor then shouldn't you apply the same standards evenly? Shouldn't you also abhor McCain/Palin? Or is it OK for Republicans to lie?
Once again, I suggest going to the politifact website I mentioned in another post and have linked to Mad Sociologist for greater detail on this.
By the way, I canceled my subscription to the American Prospect for just this reason. It was an apologetic for Democrats and lost site of the principles of liberalism. The Nation Magazine is a great mag, liberally biased, but applies the same standards to all candidates regardless of party affiliation. The Nation was just as critical of Clinton as it was of Bush and is just as critical of Obama as it is McCain. When the Nation endorsed John Kerry in 04 they did so with a very long disclaimer and remained critical of their own candidate. Whether you are Democrat or Republican, you have to admire that.
In my humble opinion, the mainstream media consists of CBS, ABC, NBC (MSNBC), CNN, The New York Times and the Washington Post. There are others that count but none as much.
The VAST majority of my stories come from sites other than these and if these sites covered the same stories, Obama wouldn't be anywhere near the lead in the polls right now.
My effort is to provide the "rest" of the story" (with apologies to Paul Harvey). The mainstream media does enough to provide the negatives on McCain and Palin, I simply fill in the gaps.
If you have documented proof of McCain and/or Palin lying (let's be real, everyone chooses which facts to promote for political purposes, I'm talking about lying), then feel free to post it and I won't block it - as long as I can verify it.
As far as "The Nation" goes, you have got to be kidding, right? Katrina van Hindenberg (yeah, I know that's not her real name) is one of the most vile creatures on the face fo the planet that wouldn't know the truth if it bit her in the ass.
No one is unbiased and anyone who pretends otherwise is full of crap (see Gwen Ifill, tomorrow night).
No one is unbiased, but we should at least endeavor to apply the same standards to everyone. I approach politics from a different angle. I start with an idea that I think is right (yes, I could be wrong). I base this on research. I then look at the candidates and see how they stack up to what I know/feel to be true. That's why I say that I'm not an Obama supporter. I think Obama has a better program than McCain, but I'm not convinced it's better enough to get my vote.
I do not throw my support at a candidate then insist that everything he does is true and right and everything the other guy does is bad and wrong.
As for the Nation, I'm not surprised by your accusations, but everything I read usually research (at least if it's something that I'm going to take a position on). The Nation is pretty accurate (there are many liberal magazines that are not. I canceled my subscription to the American Prospect for that reason). But what I like about the Nation is that they apply the same standard to everyone. I've seen a lot of criticism of Obama in the Nation. In some ways the Nation is even more critical of so called "liberal" candidates than conservatives.
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